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The Essential Guide to Baking

Updated: Jun 29, 2022

It's A Piece of Cake

Baking is a precise art that can be difficult at first. Most people find it hard because they haven't figured out that baking is simply formulas. Once you figure out the formula, you have unlocked the ability to make and create any recipe.

The Anatomy of a Recipe

Every recipe written follows the same format made of several parts: the title,the ingredients list, the yield,and the M.O.P. or method of preparation.

The ingredients list is written in the order in which the ingredients should be incorporated. For example, in the Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe the butter and sugar are listed first. It is universally understood that the butter and sugar need to be creamed. After you add the extracts and eggs. You must mix all the wet ingredients before adding the dry.

The yield is the most important part of a recipe. It tells how much a recipe makes, which is key to costing. Bakers math is the fundamentals of this concept. The yield formula which is new yield/old yield.

Sara needs to make 400 cookies for the bake sale. She looks and sees the yield is 20 cookies. She divides 400 into 20. The yield formula results that she needs to make 20 times the original recipe.

Finally, we have the method of preparation. It's very self-explanatory! This section tells you everything you will need to know to execute the recipe. Pro Bakers rarely use the M.O.P. if they know what type of recipe they are making. For example, a cookie or cake recipe will use the creaming method. If you are making Biscuits or Scones it's understood that you will cut your butter into the flour and rub it until it's in pea-sized pieces. Then you will mix the dough by hand and fold the dough into layers.

By learning basic methods and remembering the format you now have the freedom to make your own recipes.

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