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How A Poundcake Got Me Into Trouble

I was introduced to baking at a young age by my great great aunt Marilynn. She made many things like yeast rolls, biscuits,and pound cake. Every time she made pound cake my cousin and I would fight for the spoon or the bowl. Each time one was made I always had the privilege of having a piece.

One day I came home from school and she had made one. I couldn't wait to have a piece. So I asked "Auntie, can I have a piece of pound cake?" She said no. I couldn't believe my ears. But I went on to do my homework at the kitchen table. The cake was on the counter. Every so often I'd look at the cake then go back to my homework. Then finally I heard a voice that said "Ashley!" It was the cake! "Ashley, come get a slice of me." I responded "No cake! Auntie said I can't have any." To which the cake replied" Well what if you just take a little nibble of my crumbly top?" I said "well, that couldn't hurt." So I went over and took a few pieces off the top then went back to doing my homework. Those few pieces were so delicious that it called me back for more. Before I knew it I had eaten the whole top off of the cake!

When I realized what I had done I had to come up with a plan and act natural. I did my best attempt at trying to cover the top but failed. Sooner or later my great great aunt was going to come back and see the damage I had done.

So I'm doing my homework sweating bullets. Finally my aunt walks into the room. She walks to the counter, looks at the cake and says "Ashley, what happened to the cake?" I said " I don't know Auntie I've been sitting here doing my homework. " She knew I was the only one who could have done it as I was an only child.

Years later she reminded me of the story and said I never apologized for it. I said I was sorry but I felt it was worth it. I would definitely go back at do it again!

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2 comentários

19 de jul. de 2022

"Oh, someone came in the window and ate the top off the cake!" That was the story that you told. Got to hand it to you, you stuck with that story even after an ass whipping!

Ashley  Braxton
Ashley Braxton
19 de jul. de 2022
Respondendo a

It was still worth it!

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